Saturday, 30 November 2024

Some Little Owl Banding

 Some Recent Little OWL banding

We have recently banded a number Little Owl Puli; Ruud & I checked the boxes in the Halswell area a couple of weeks ago. While the ones in Halswell itself, at the Quary and Domain were all empty the ones at the Cashmere Rd property were better. I am not sure why this is, perhaps there are too many nest sites already available, with holes in the old rock face and amongst the jumble of fallen rock. I know there are Owls there.

At Cashmere Rd two boxes were in use the one that had been used last year at 4 eggs when first checked, but when we returned with the hope of banding four chick there were only 2 and 2 eggs. Another box had an unbanded adult with 2 eggs, she was banded and hopefully at least 2 chicks will get some bling on our next visit.

Ruud banding the Adult

Showing her wing

On Thursday Phil and I went up to Rangiora where two boxes have been erected. One on a large building across the road from the Golf Club and the other by Kenney on his property at Lowburn. Both proved to be successful with each having 3 bandable chicks. This takes the number of new birds banded this Spring to 10 with 8 youngsters and 2 presumed females incubating. Hopefully there will be a few more.

Phil with two of the golf link birds

Kenny with one of his birds

                                                                                     Two more chicks ready to fledge