Thursday, 29 July 2021

Cashmere Rd. A new Site

We have had two sessions at a new site on Cashmere Rd, about 3k from the Halswell Quarry. The site is a large private property where passerines are regularly fed. It is hoped that we will eventually find some movement between here and the Quarry. The first session was last Thursday and we set a couple of nets up under threatening conditions. Unfortunately rain set in after half an hour and we had to abandon any banding for the day. Even so it was a busy 30 minutes with over 20 birds processed.
Most of Wednesday's team relaxing in the sun

Yesterday with totally different conditions, a light frost then bright sun we had a second attempt. Birds were not as easy to catch as last week but we still had a steady flow. It was a very pleasant day with of course good company, great surroundings and mild weather. 

The combined total of the two sessions was 56 birds processed with 46 Silvereyes, 5 House Sparrows, 3 Greenfinches and 2 Blackbirds. All new, no recaptures.

When we were not busy we had two pair of Harriers displaying overhead to watch and the "Bug Man" Ruud brought out a Peripatus for us to look at.
The Peripatus or Velvet Worm making a dash for shelter

We had the pleasure of the company of Ingrid the Exec Officer of Birds NZ (OSNZ) who is down from Nelson for a few days and is attempting to obtain her Level 2 permit.
Ingrid looking very happy after banding her first Blackbird

I also had a short session at Jan's place on Kennedys Bush Rd with Ingrid on Monday with very marginal conditions, it was blowing a near gale but we managed 1 net in a sheltered spot and caught 20 Silvereyes and recaptured a Bellbird.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Halswell Quarry Thursday 8 July - A belated post

We had a session in the Conservation Area of the Quarry on Thursday morning. After a cold frosty start the day was sunny and calm. There were a couple of last minute defections due to injury so the team was a bit smaller than anticipated. It took us a while to get the last couple of nets up due to processing birds.
There were 45 birds processed during the morning and as is normal at this time of year the majority were Silvereyes, with 31 new and 7 recaps. Amongest the recaps were several older birds with the oldest having been banded 1 Feb 2018 only a short time after we comenced banding at this site. At 1253 days from banding it is now the oldest bird recaptured at the Quarry. Other species caught (recaps in brackets) Blackbird 1 (1) Dunnock 1 (1) and House Sparrow 2 (1)