Thursday, 24 June 2021

Jan's Place 23 June - A lot of birds but not much variety

We had a session at Jan's place on Kennedys Bush Rd, Thursday morning. It was a busy morning with 82 birds processed, all but 4 new birds. Almost all were Silvereyes with 74 new and the 4 recaps, the only other species were 3 House Sparrows and a solitary Blackbird. There were plenty of other birds around but due to having to be constantly at the nets extracting Silvereyes other species kept their distance. Three of the recaps were banded at this site within the last year or so but the other was banded in Finlays Picnic area down in the Quarry. Even though we set fewer nets than usual we still needed to furl them at times to prevent getting overwelmed with birds. The weather was marginal at time with light misty rain forcing us to move the banding station into a glass house which was a bit cramped but kept the paper work dry.
One of the first birds caught was a Silvereye with a granular type growth on a foot. We seem to catch a couple or so each year with this condition.
We were shouted to a celebratery cake by Kenny to commemerate his achieving his Level 2 permit.